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Frequently Asked Questions

How did I get here?Wake Forest University has implemented Cisco Umbrella, a secure redirection tool that protects a user from accessing known malicious content. This page is reached when the user attempts to connect to an infected domain.
What do I do now?Take care when browsing the internet and clicking links in emails. Please have a look at our Security Essentials page for more information on protecting yourself from phishing scams, malware, ransomware, and more.
Was this site blocked based on its content?Absolutely not. Domains and websites are not blocked based on their content (topical, ideological, etc). A redirect happens when a domain or site attempts to infect the visiting computer or host a phishing scam.
Is this block permanent?No, your internet access has not been blocked. You are simply unable to access the current domain or site from the WFU campus network. Please be aware that you may be able to access a malicious domain outside of the campus network – take caution.
Did this redirect happen in error?Trying to connect to a legitimate site? Please report any wrongful redirects to the Information Systems Service Desk at or (336)758-4357. The block will be removed if the site is no longer infected or returned a false-positive.