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Cybersecurity Awareness Tour 2024
Generative AI at Wake Forest
Future Forward: Information Systems 2023 Year in Review


  • Avoid a Recent Phishing Scam Regarding a WFU Paid Research Project
    Recently, some users fell victim to a phishing scam. They unknowingly provided their passwords and even the Google MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) codes sent to their phones to unauthorized individuals. This serves as a stark reminder of how critical it is to stay vigilant about cybersecurity
  • Malicious Cyber Activity Rises Following Natural Disasters
    Recently, some users fell victim to a phishing scam. They unknowingly provided their passwords and even the Google MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) codes sent to their phones to unauthorized individuals. This serves as a stark reminder of how critical it is to stay vigilant about cybersecurity
  • Phishing Scam Targeting Students
    Recently, some users fell victim to a phishing scam. They unknowingly provided their passwords and even the Google MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) codes sent to their phones to unauthorized individuals. This serves as a stark reminder of how critical it is to stay vigilant about cybersecurity
  • Faculty Tech Resources Guide
    View our technology resource guide for WFU faculty and staff.


Our mission is to empower the WFU community in the use of information and digital technologies towards intellectual exploration, informed institutional decisions, and the creation and dissemination of knowledge.

The Office of Information Systems is the primary resource for all things computing at Wake Forest University.