IT Advisory Committees
Provost, Executive Vice President, and CIO
Work in tangent to evaluate IT initiatives with University priorities. The IT Advisory Committee structure was reimagined during the 2015 IT Strategic Planning process.
IT Advisory Board (ITAB)
Advises the Provost, Executive Vice President, and CIO on university-wide issues of technology and cybersecurity strategy, policies, services and priorities, privacy, and risk reduction.
Committee on Information
Technology (CIT)
Advises ITAB on strategy, policies, and services related to the effective use of technology in teaching, learning, research, and creative works.
IT Partners’
Council (ITPC)
Advises ITAB on strategy, policies, and services related to the application of technology to improve and support campus services, operations, management, and data-driven decision making.
Initiative Teams
Appointed as needed to undertake specific projects or guide the development and delivery of particular services. Initiative Teams advise the CIT or Partners’ Council, depending on the topic.
Open to any interested party to provide input, share effective practice, promote professional development, and facilitate an exchange of ideas around a particular issue or technology. Subcommittees advise the CIT or Partners’ Council, depending on the topic.
IS Info Group
Plays a critical role in disseminating IT related information to our campus community in a more personal way, avoiding the overuse of broadcast emails. Members of this group act as campus liaisons and communication partners for IT initiatives.