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For staff members approved for remote work, we recommend investing in the following equipment to ensure you are well prepared to work from home. Refer to the Human Resource Flexible Work website for additional information.

What You Need at Home

View recommended external microphones and webcams if you choose to equip your home office.

Use Your WFU-Issued Computer

Staff with WFU-issued computers should continue to use their WFU-issued computer for work, rather than a personal device. Confirm CrashPlan is running on your primary machine. Consider backing up all of your data using one of the several solutions available to you. View the Cloud Storage Comparison Matrix to learn more about each service.

Keep it Secure

Data security is more important than ever when working away from the office. Always follow these recommendations to ensure data privacy and security when working remotely. 

The address can be used to report any security or data privacy concerns while working remotely.