Strategy Strikes Back

Chair of Military Science, Melissa Ringhisen
Course: FYS Strategy Strikes Back: What Star Wars can teach us about policy and our current conflicts
Number of Students: 16
Term: Fall 2019
Duration: 3 weeks
Designer: Brianna Derr
What advice would you give to your students, particularly female students, to encourage them to become effective leaders.
I talk a lot to our students, particularly women about how do you lead. A lot of times we will talk about the struggles that women have with leadership. In the Army, in particular, being aggressive and being very vocal is traditionally how we see leadership but when women do it, it is viewed in a different way…what you are dealing with is a very narrow view of what leadership is in the Army and you are going to have to figure out how to walk that fine line.
Project Description
Develop a podcast based on an interview of a veteran.
Understand how the military works from a direct perspective and apply the theories of U.S. civil-military relations to Star Wars and the real world.
Learning Goals
Develop an understanding of how to interview someone. Develop an understanding of the experiences of veterans. Apply theories of US civil-military relations to the discussion with a veteran.
Role of Academic Technology
Using a podcast instead of a traditional essay allows the student to tell a story, while also including a discussion of how this fits with what we discussed in class. It also allows the students to share that story with others through a more accessible medium, especially those who interviewed a family member or a family friend.
One-button studio
WakerSpace Podcast Room
Target Skills
Developing interview questions; using technology to record and polish the interview
Outcomes & Perspectives
Student’s Perspective
Instructor’s Perspective
Last semester I had the students conduct an interview with a veteran but they wrote an essay. When I read the essays and spoke with students, I realized many of them had interviewed family or family friends and they had heard stories that no one else knew. Then I was listening to “Story Corps” on NPR and realized that it would be great if the students could do the assignment and then have something they could also share with their family and the person they interviewed which would allow them to really share what they are learning at college in a way that might be good for the students and the families.
Overall, I think this was a great project that allowed the students to apply what they learned in class in a concrete way. It also allowed them to learn more about the experiences of others and how other people see the world.