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Reports to: Committee on Information Technology (CIT)


The Digital Pedagogy Community of Interest will convene faculty, staff, and students who practice, support, or have interest in digital pedagogy to share successful practices, discuss theory and background, and share experiences with topics related to digital pedagogy and open education. The Digital Pedagogy Community of interest will report periodically to the CIT, share its goals, report emerging issues and receive CIT’s guidance on future discussion topics.

The Digital Pedagogy Community of Interest is open to any faculty, staff, or student with a strong interest in or responsibilities related to digital pedagogy, teaching and learning, online education, open education, accessibility, multimedia production, or digital communications. The Assistant Director of Academic Technology (IS) and the Digital Pedagogy and Open Education Librarian (ZSR Library) will serve as permanent co-chairs for the community and are responsible for organizing meetings, planning agendas, facilitating discussions, and reporting outcomes. 

The specific charge of the Digital Pedagogy COI is to:

Committee Information

Please contact the chair – noted in the Membership List – with any questions or potential agenda items.