Account and Password Management

WFU faculty, students, and staff can change their password, reset their forgotten password, and update account recovery information at Easy to follow instructions are available to assist you.

Employees of WakeHealth should go to for information regarding password management. Contact (336) 716-4357 (HELP) for additional support.
The following information is for Wake Forest University faculty, students, and staff only.
Account and Password Management Process
Information Systems notifies you by email 9, 6, 3, and 1 day(s) before your campus computing password expires. To assist you in avoiding phishing attempts, ensure the subject line of these messages includes the number of days until your password’s expiration and is sent from
Most faculty, students, and staff are required to change their password every year. A small group of campus members with access to privileged information will be required to change their password every 90 days. It is important that you change your password on each of your mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Remember your new password! Multiple failed login attempts with incorrect credentials will lock your account.
Your password should not be shared with anyone.
WFU Password Requirements
Your password must:be at least 8 charactersbe no more than 32 characters | Your password may contain:uppercase English letters (A – Z)lowercase English letters (a – z)digits (0-9)any of these characters ! # $ % & ( ) + , – / ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~ |
Your WFU Account retains a history of your previously used passwords. You may not re-use your 10 most recently used passwords.
What services are synchronized with one password?
Password Synchronized Services |
AskDeac |
Banner (most accounts) |
Campus Wireless Network |
Canvas & Sakai |
Cognos Reporting Tool |
eIRB |
Your computer login (on WFU-issued Windows machine) |
Webex |
WFU Email (Gmail) |
Workday |
Zoom |