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Effective July 1, all computer and tablet purchases should be made through the new IS Technology Internal Service Delivery Provider in Workday. This streamlined and standardized process will replace the Help Desk requests for hardware and/or any PCard purchases.

IS and Procurement Services have collaborated to provide a more secure computing environment. Specifically, all WFU-owned computers will now be purchased through, and managed by, IS Asset Management. 

This will not replace the IS-initiated, four-year exchanges for your primary computer. These Computer refreshes typically happen for eligible faculty and staff during the Computer Exchange refresh cycle. However, the Workday Procurement Process will be used for new hire requests, secondary computing/tablet requests, work study computers, or other computing needs. 

To learn more about the Workday Procurement Process and guidelines, visit the Workday Technology Procurement Process webpage for our helpful, step-by-step guide. For any questions that arise, please contact the Information Systems Asset Management team at 

Information Systems and Procurement Services 
