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IS currently maintains over 400 classrooms, meeting spaces, and auditoriums with multimedia technology

Rooms contain various levels of multimedia integration, from simple television monitors, to elaborate high definition projection systems with multiple inputs.

Systems are roughly broken down into the following categories:

  • Projector-Only Systems – with or without wall-mounted controls
  • Single Projector Systems – commonly found in many classrooms on campus
  • Dual Projector/Dual Display Systems – rooms with multiple displays are becoming more common in classrooms
  • Collaboration Rooms – these rooms have additional displays with separate inputs, allowing for students and professors to display content and collaborate

New to multimedia systems on campus?

Check out the Introduction to Multimedia Technology video series.

  1. These short videos will introduce you to the Basic Equipment, Terms, and Concepts you need to know in a multimedia enabled room.
  2. Watch the Basic Operation of a Multimedia System video for a step-by-step walk through of using a system in a classroom.
  3. Our Demystifying Multimedia Adapters video explains everything you need to know about using adapters with your laptop.
  4. Wall Plate systems are increasingly popular on campus – learn to use these easy-to-operate multimedia systems in this short video!