Wake Forest University

Now login to DeaconSpace with your Google account

Beginning at noon on November 19, 2016, DeaconSpace will be easier to access. If you are signed in to your WFU Google Mail account (not your personal Gmail account), you can access DeaconSpace without logging in a second time.

Logging into DeaconSpace

Simply access your WFU Google Mail account with your_username@wfu.edu and password. Click the Google app launcher , scroll down to the bottom and click on the DeaconSpace icon   ems-app-launcher.png

If you are not logged into your WFU Google Mail and go to https://rooms.wfu.edu/ you will initially land on this screen:

Screen Shot 2016-11-01 at 10.29.14 AM.png

Click on “Wake Forest University (@wfu.edu)” and you will then log into DeaconSpace using your full WFU email address (your_username@wfu.edu) and password.

If you are logged in to your personal Gmail account only, you will receive an error that states “Service is not configured for this user.” Read more about this issue here.

If you have questions concerning this message or need assistance, please contact us at help@wfu.edu or 336-758-4357 (HELP).